Oh my gosh, it is finally here!
This book started as an idea in mid-February 2017. By the end of May, I had 300 pages written. By the end of July I had another 100 pages written and I sent it off to my would-be publisher. It languished with them until 2019 and the promises began, but none of them came to fruition, despite the book being available for pre-order in May 2019.
I took back control of my book in April 2022 and found Girl Friday Productions, who agreed to take on the project. “There’s a story here, but it’ll need work.” Boy, she wasn’t kidding. I spent the next six months rewriting 70% of the book, removing people and irrelevant stories to find the core. This book is the one I never thought I’d write … talking in excruciating detail about what it is like living with a progressive muscular dystrophy.
But here it is. My story has been one of Rough Waters, but I’ve learned to find joy in the ride.